⭐️ It's also a great time to focus on nourishing foods, which come from the earth & can help to ground us.
⭐️ Root vegetables are a great example of this & are full of fibre, complex carbohydrates, flavonoids, minerals & vitamins. They are a great addition to meals at this time of year. Be sure to eat the skins where possible for extra fibre.
⭐️ Garlic & onions are prebiotic helping to fuel your good gut microbes, whilst also assisting your immunity
⭐️ Ginger & turmeric are rhizomes that are anti-inflammatory may assist with supporting the liver & gall bladder (turmeric) & the your circulation (ginger). Remember to have fat & black pepper with your turmeric for better absorption.
Roasted Beetroot, Parsnip & Pumpkin Salad.
I used beetroot, parsnip & pumpkin, but you can used any root vegetables of your choice.
The pumpkin & sunflower seeds add zinc and other minerals, fibre & fat. I served it on a bed of sautéed silverbeet & garlic & some falafels. You can use any greens. Add a protein of your choice; lentils or chickpeas would work well.
Or lamb, or salmon.
This would also be lovely with goats or other feta or halloumi, or a drizzle of yoghurt.
This can be served hot or cool. I make extra to have for lunch the next day.
Serves 4
- 1 beetroot
- ½ butternut pumpkin
- 2-3 parsnips
- Olive oil
- 1tsp cumin seeds
- 1 small bunch coriander
- 1-2 spring onions
- 1 stick of celery
- 1 slice of fresh ginger (1-2 cm wide)
- 1-2 Tbsp pumpkin seeds
- 1-2 Tbsp sunflower seeds
- 2 Tbsp raw cashew nuts
- 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
- 1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar or citrus juice
- zest of lemon, lime or orange
- Salt & Pepper to taste
- Soft goats cheese or feta (optional)
Preheat oven 180 C
Wash and chopped root vegetables into cubes, around 2cm wide
Put chopped vegetables onto an oven tray. Drizzle with olive oil, cumin seeds & salt & pepper. Toss to coat.
Put into heated oven and roast for 20-30mins until browned and cooked. Turn after 15-20mins to brown other side.
While the vegetables cook. Dice celery, and finely slice coriander & spring onion.
Toast; pumpkin & sunflower seeds in a dry pan 2-3 minutes on a medium heat, tossing to brown. Watch carefully as these can easily burn.
Repeat with cashew. Then chop cashews roughly.
Once the vegetables are cooked. Transfer to serving dish. Mixed through celery, spring onion & coriander, finely grated ginger. Add a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, citrus
zest & juice or vinegar. Mix gently to combine. Top with toast seeds & chopped cashews & cheese if using.
Enjoy 💚